
rejecting c 是什么意思

reject是什么意思 拒绝是哪个单词?最新的css3参考手册下载

admin admin 发表于2022-05-13 00:08:02 浏览182 评论0


reject是什么意思 拒绝是哪个单词

reject 英[rɪˈdʒekt] 美[rɪˈdʒɛkt] vt. 拒绝; 排斥; 抛弃,扔掉; 吐出或呕吐; n. 被拒绝或被抛弃的人或事物; [例句]The British government is expected to reject the idea of state subsidy for a new high speed railway预计英国政府不会考虑为修建一条新的高速铁路提供国家补贴的设想。[其他] 第三人称单数:rejects 复数:rejects 现在分词:rejecting过去式:rejected 过去分词:rejected




点最小化的时候,直接隐藏窗口,用下面的代码实现: procedure WMSysCommand(var Message: TWMSysCommand);message WM_SYSCOMMAND;//响应WM_SYSCOMMAND消息,当最小化的时候隐藏procedure TYMessageMainForm.WMSysCommand(var Message: TWMSysCommand);begin if (Message.CmdType and $FFF0 = SC_MINIMIZE) or (Message.CmdType and $FFF0 = SC_CLOSE) then begin //把最小化当隐藏处理 YMessageMainForm.Hide; ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_HIDE); end else Inherited;//调用上级类的处理end;在系统栏放一个图表,让鼠标单击、双击、右键实现一定的功能,使用下面的代码实现:{$WARN SYMBOL_DEPRECATED OFF}unit TrayIcon;interfaceuses SysUtils, Windows, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, ShellAPI, Forms, menus;const WM_TOOLTRAYICON = WM_USER+1; WM_RESETTOOLTIP = WM_USER+2;type TTrayIcon = class(TComponent) private { Field Variables } IconData: TNOTIFYICONDATA; fIcon : TIcon; fToolTip : String; fWindowHandle : HWND; fActive : boolean; fShowDesigning : Boolean; { Events } fOnClick : TNotifyEvent; fOnDblClick : TNotifyEvent; fOnRightClick : TMouseEvent; fPopupMenu : TPopupMenu; function AddIcon : boolean; function ModifyIcon : boolean; function DeleteIcon : boolean; procedure SetActive(Value : boolean); procedure SetShowDesigning(Value : boolean); procedure SetIcon(Value : TIcon); procedure SetToolTip(Value : String); procedure WndProc(var msg : TMessage); procedure FillDataStructure; procedure DoRightClick( Sender : TObject ); protected public constructor create(aOwner : TComponent); override; destructor destroy; override; published property Active : boolean read fActive write SetActive; property ShowDesigning : boolean read fShowDesigning write SetShowDesigning; property Icon : TIcon read fIcon write SetIcon; property ToolTip : string read fTooltip write SetToolTip; property OnClick : TNotifyEvent read FOnClick write FOnClick; property OnDblClick : TNotifyEvent read FOnDblClick write FOnDblClick; property OnRightClick : TMouseEvent read FOnRightClick write FonRightClick; property PopupMenu : TPopupMenu read fPopupMenu write fPopupMenu; end;procedure Register;implementation{$R TrayIcon.res}procedure TTrayIcon.SetActive(Value : boolean);begin if value 《》 fActive then begin fActive := Value; if not (csdesigning in ComponentState) then begin if Value then begin AddIcon; end else begin DeleteIcon; end; end; end;end;procedure TTrayIcon.SetShowDesigning(Value : boolean);begin if csdesigning in ComponentState then begin if value 《》 fShowDesigning then begin fShowDesigning := Value; if Value then begin AddIcon; end else begin DeleteIcon; end; end; end;end;procedure TTrayIcon.SetIcon(Value : Ticon);begin if Value 《》 fIcon then begin fIcon.Assign(value); ModifyIcon; end;end;procedure TTrayIcon.SetToolTip(Value : string);begin // This routine ALWAYS re-sets the field value and re-loads the // icon. This is so the ToolTip can be set blank when the component // is first loaded. If this is changed, the icon will be blank on // the tray when no ToolTip is specified. if length( Value ) 》 62 then Value := copy(Value,1,62); fToolTip := value; ModifyIcon;end;constructor TTrayIcon.create(aOwner : Tcomponent);begin inherited create(aOwner); FWindowHandle := AllocateHWnd( WndProc ); FIcon := TIcon.Create;end;destructor TTrayIcon.destroy;begin if (not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and fActive) or ((csDesigning in ComponentState) and fShowDesigning) then DeleteIcon; FIcon.Free; DeAllocateHWnd( FWindowHandle ); inherited destroy;end;procedure TTrayIcon.FillDataStructure;begin with IconData do begin cbSize := sizeof(TNOTIFYICONDATA); wnd := FWindowHandle; uID := 0; // is not passed in with message so make it 0 uFlags := NIF_MESSAGE + NIF_ICON + NIF_TIP; hIcon := fIcon.Handle; StrPCopy(szTip,fToolTip); uCallbackMessage := WM_TOOLTRAYICON; end;end;function TTrayIcon.AddIcon : boolean;begin FillDataStructure; result := Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_ADD,@IconData); // For some reason, if there is no tool tip set up, then the icon // doesn’t display. This fixes that. if fToolTip = ’’ then PostMessage( fWindowHandle, WM_RESETTOOLTIP,0,0 );end;function TTrayIcon.ModifyIcon : boolean;begin FillDataStructure; if fActive then result := Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_MODIFY,@IconData) else result := True;end;procedure TTrayIcon.DoRightClick( Sender : TObject );var MouseCo: Tpoint;begin GetCursorPos(MouseCo); if assigned( fPopupMenu ) then begin SetForegroundWindow( Application.Handle ); Application.ProcessMessages; fPopupmenu.Popup( Mouseco.X, Mouseco.Y ); end; if assigned( FOnRightClick ) then begin FOnRightClick(self,mbRight,,MouseCo.x,MouseCo.y); end;end;function TTrayIcon.DeleteIcon : boolean;begin result := Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_DELETE,@IconData);end;procedure TTrayIcon.WndProc(var msg : TMessage);begin with msg do if (msg = WM_RESETTOOLTIP) then SetToolTip( fToolTip ) else if (msg = WM_TOOLTRAYICON) then begin case lParam of WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK : if assigned (FOnDblClick) then FOnDblClick(self); WM_LBUTTONUP : if assigned(FOnClick)then FOnClick(self); WM_RBUTTONUP : DoRightClick(self); end; end else // Handle all messages with the default handler Result := DefWindowProc(FWindowHandle, Msg, wParam, lParam);end;procedure Register;begin RegisterComponents(’Win95’, [TTrayIcon]);end;end.